Saturday, April 30, 2016

First-Rate Faculty

By Joseph Gasser

One of the major highlights of a UConn Law education is our outstanding faculty. Curent students already know this and incoming students will be quick to find it out! We are fortunate to be surrounded by a network of excellent, accessible professors. Don’t be shy about tapping into that network.

Our professors at UConn law care about their students. They’re proud when their students engage in their coursework and class discussions and come away with a new or deeper understanding of course material. Outside of class, faculty members enjoy including students in their scholarly interests; many professors hire research assistants to help with their projects, on anything subject from legal philosophy to antitrust law to class action litigation, which is a ready-made opportunity to work face-to-face with experts working on cutting-edge scholarship.

And even beyond academics, our professors are eager to discuss interesting legal or other issues and developments in the law outside of class. This willingness to engage outside the classroom also extends to personal life; professors will stop students in the hallways to congratulate them on an achievement in a mock trial competition, on their journal note being published, on an engagement, etc.

Students shouldn’t forget that our professors are happy to be resources for us in other ways; when a student has worked hard in a class and developed a relationship with a professor, that professor will often write a letter of recommendation for a clerkship or other position, or serve as a reference on a job application.

In my three years as a law student here, I’ve never experienced any reluctance on a professor’s part if I asked for extra help in class, had a concern outside of class, or needed support while applying for a job. I’m thankful for each opportunity I had to meet and work with our professors and look forward to keeping in touch with them after graduation.